I need some feedback on something. I want to teach Shila the
Konami Code as an uber geeky trick. Me and maybe 5 other people she will ever meet will know what it really is when it happens, and when it does happen I expect them to let it all sink in then exclaim "Holy Cow, Did that just happen?!". What a good doggies she will be.
The Code (Courtesy Wikipedia):

Up means jump. Down means lay down and probably come to a sit before the next down. Left and Right could be leaning, paw, rolling, sneezing, whatever. and B and A are open to suggestion. What do you think Left Right and B and A should be?
I think left right should be rolling but I am not sure what AB should be. maybe put a piece of paper with the HUGE letters A B on it and have her put a paw on the correct ones.
Oooh.. or maybe a big NES pad that she can bang on. Maybe I can somehow make her stomp one leg at a time and that is A and B.
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